Building Contractors & Developers

Engineering Consultancy

We can provide a general engineering over view of a proposed project in the form of a detailed report outlining key items that may need to be addressed immediately or which will affect the works or cause further unforeseen costs to the project.

Engineering Design

We can provide a full detailed design for most construction elements including foul water drainage networks, surface water drainage networks, utilities ducting networks, water main networks, steelwork, reinforced concrete, foundations, roof timbers, space heating systems, domestic hot water systems and house layouts. We carry full P.I Insurance and can provide full engineering design back up for any contruction project. All designs take account of Health & Safety with special emphasis on build ability and elminating risk where possible

Construction Drawing Production.

We can produce construction drawings in AutoCad format including specifications as and when required. We can also up grade existing planning drawings to construction category including the production of extra drawings where required.

Works Programme and Management.

We can develop a works programme detailing key factors that may affect the progress of the works. We can also update these programmes as required to identify delays and critical path items.

Liaison with Architects, Clients, Specialist Consultants, Specialized Contractors & Local Authorities.

We can provide a service where we can liaise with Architects, Clients, Specialist Consultants, Specialist Contractors and Local Authorities on your behalf with the projects interests to the fore to reduce complications, extra costs and delay.

Construction Budgets

We can compile a complete construction budget for any project, including a full breakdown of quantities and estimated costs. This budget can also be broken down into different elements of the works so that it can tie into a works programme and to assist in cash flow projections.

Measure Compilation

We can compile works valuations including stage payments certificates for completed works. We can also negotiate/agree valuations on your behalf with main contractor and sub contractors.

Claim Compilation.

We also offer Construction Claims advice and can compile all the documentation required to best present a claim. We can assess and quantify a claim to develop the best way forward.

Contract Administration

Once construction drawings have been completed, we can prepare tender packages to be tendered by contractors, subcontractors etc. These packages can be prepared as fixed lump sum or admeasureement bill of quantity packages. We can also assist in the appointment of the main contractor or subcontractor as required including contract drafting to suit the risks being allocated.

Cost Control

We can provide a service where we can monitor, control, estimate and project costs including sourcing of quotes for plant, labour, material, subcontracts, fees etc. Up to date details of the cost will ensure that any necessary steps are taken to ensure that the works remains within budget.

BER Certification & Building Energy advice.

We offer comprehensive advice on Energy Efficiency matters. We provide the Building Energy Rating certificate for properties with accompanying Advisory Reports. Service is currently available for new residential and old-residential properties and will be extended to non-residential buildings shortly. Our service can be extended beyond the limits of mandatory Advisory Report. If required we will provide a detailed feasibility study of the property upgrades to achieve the maximum impact on Energy Efficiency with the shortest payback period.

We can also advise on the most suitable renewable energy resource for your development including costs, predicted payback periods, estimated annual running costs and savings.

Green Technologies

We provide independent advice, details and recommendations in relation to all green technologies from Wind Turbines to Heat Pumps to Solar Panels etc. We also provide assistance in the procurement and project management of their supply and installation. We provide details and cost estimates for the ancillary works that are required for the installation of any renewable technologies in new or existing dwellings.

Project Management

Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. It is often closely related to and sometimes conflated with program management

The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while honoring the preconceived project constraints. Typical constraints are scope, time, and budget. The secondary and more ambitious challenge is to optimize the allocation and integration of inputs necessary to meet pre-defined objectives.

Our services