Civil Contractors & Subcontractors
Project Management
Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. It is often closely related to and sometimes conflated with program management
The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while honouring the preconceived project constraints. Typical constraints are scope, time, and budget. The secondary and more ambitious challenge is to optimize the allocation and integration of inputs necessary to meet pre-defined objectives.
Works Programme and Management.
We can develop a works contract programme detailing key factors that may affect the progress of the works. We can also update these programmes as required to identify delays and critical path items.
Liaison with Clients, Specialist Consultants, Specialist Contractors & Local Authorities.
We can provide a service where we can liaise with clients, Specialist Consultants, Specialist Contractors and Local Authorities on your behalf with the projects interests to the fore to reduce complications, extra costs and delay. We also strive to resolve any technical issues before they affect the works.
Civil Engineering Design
We provide a complete engineering design service for small-scale engineering works. This service includes the compilation of calculations, construction drawings and specifications, the works that we cover are small bridge works, cattle underpasses, retaining walls, drainage, culverts, road make up etc. We work with our network of designers to ensure the best product.
We act as or work with Project Supervisors Design Process in the creation of risk assessments, risk reduction, risk elimination from the initial stages of the project right through to its successful completion. All designs take account of Health & Safety with special emphasis on build ability and of designing out risk where possible
Construction Budgets
We can compile a complete construction budget for any project, including full quantities breakdown and rating. This budget can also be broken down into different elements of the works so that it can tie into a works programme and help in cash flow projections.
Contract Administration
Once the construction drawings have been completed, we can prepare tender packages to be tendered by contractors, subcontractors etc. These packages can be prepared as fixed lump sum or bill of quantity packages. We also prepare tenders for submission to the client, main contractor etc on your behalf, giving you the full make up of the tender including quantities, rates, rates make up etc. We can also assist in the appointment of the main contractor or subcontractor as required.
Contract Claims
We provide the service of the preparation, submission, negotiation and settlement of claims. We address all hidden costs and identify all contractual entitlements. We give independent advice on dispute resolution and settlement.
Expert Evidence on Claims.
We can provide expert evidence and advice in relation to claims whether being dealt with through Conciliation or Arbitration. After being involved in one of the largest arbitrations in the country, we have an insight into the preparatory work required, level of detail required, points of the claim and their wider effects on a project.
Engineering Back Up
We provide the service of engineering back up to any project where full time engineering input is not required.